We Found the Zodiac Signs of the Most Loved and Hated Hunter x Hunter Characters. Let the Slander Begin

If you’re into astrology and anime, you’ve probably guessed your favorite characters birth charts. For those new to the field, you can use each character and their planetary placements to understand your placements better. For today’s lesson, we’re breaking down our top 5 Hunter x Hunter characters.


Gon Freecss

May 5, 1987

Sun - Taurus

Moon - Leo

Mercury - Taurus

Venus - Aries

Mars - Gemini

N. Node - Aries

Are we surprised about Gon’s sun sign? Taurus is dependable and solid, whether he’s showing up for his friends or showing up to a fight. His Leo moon lends Gon to organize his friends and family around a common goal. His emotions run deep and no matter the obstacle, he’s persistent. We can look to his Mercury in Taurus in regards to strategy - he’s always looking for the simplest way to get from Point A to Point B! Gon’s venus in Aries makes him daring, direct and high energy. He thrives on competition and spontaneity.

His spontaneity and fearlessness comes at a cost. Typically Killua has to assist him out of tricky situation due to his lack of focus. We can thank his Mars in Gemini for that. One’s North Node(True Node) points to the concepts a person has to master in their lifetime. Gon’s North Node in Aries means he has to discover and embrace his independence and confidence through “learning the hard way”.


Killua Zoldyck

July 7, 1987

Sun - Cancer
Moon - Scorpio
Mercury - Cancer (Rx)
Venus - Cancer
Mars - Leo
N. Node - Aries

Killua is dark, reticent and moody - all characteristics of a Sun in Cancer. Cancer’s have a strong instinct to survive in the harshest of conditions. Which provides insight into his family, who are all Assassins. A lunar Scorpio is intense and seeks to “get to the bottom” of situations and people. This can lead Killua to view potential friends suspiciously. But once they trust someone, they are extremely committed and loyal. This explains why Killua and Gon make really great friends.

Killua is discerning and offers insights that Gon often misses. We can attribute this to his Mercury in Cancer. We’re able to gain insight into Killua’s personality because Gon provides a safe and secure friendship, which a Venus in Cancer needs, for Killua to express himself. Although Killua had no real reason to want to become a Hunter, his Mars in Leo seeks a true purpose and higher mission. Like Gon, his North Node is in Aries. Throughout the series we see how Killua struggles with finding his own identity separate from his family and friends.


Leorio Paradinight

March 3, 1980

Sun - Pisces
Moon - Virgo
Mercury - Pisces (Rx)
Venus - Aries
Mars - Virgo (Rx)
N. Node - Leo

Leorio, while being extremely compassionate and trusting, oftentimes appear spacey and gullible - a hallmark of his Solar Pisces. During the Hunter trials his Moon in Virgo contributed to his endless complaints and preoccupation with smaller tasks and details. This placement has a grounding effect on him. Whereas all the other Hunters prospects aim for the glory or money, Leorio wants to be a ✨Doctor✨. Effective communication isn’t his strong suit. And at times he’s unnecessarily pessimistic or hypersensitive. We can look to his Mercury in Pisces for that. Because he was born, or created, during a Mercury Retrograde, his style of communication can hinder group progress or people can misunderstand his intentions. Case in point, the Hunter elections and the Hunter trials.

Like Gon, his Venus in Aries. Both characters get along because they’re direct, fearless and up for a challenge. He’s ready to help his friends, even if it means he complains along the way. A mars in Virgo always has a plan and Leorio commits to his. For example, he promised to pass his medical exam before he learned nen. This mars placement values production. For those of you who watched the end of season 6, you’ll know Leorio used his convictions to garner a large support base. In turn, that led him to follow a very unique career path in the spotlight. And that is exactly what a North Node in Leo will encourage you to do.


Kurapika Kurta

April 5, 1982

Sun - Aries
Moon - Leo
Mercury - Aries
Venus - Aquarius
Mars - Libra (Rx)
N. Node - Cancer

Kurapika has his Sun in Aries. These placements are natural athletes and use their bodies to achieve their goals. Solar Aries are pioneering and will seek to put their own spice in whatever they do. As we learn more about his gifts, we know that’s true. Like Gon, he’s a Lunar Leo. In his case he has a very special mission that he holds close to his heart, literally. If nothing else he’s driven by loyalty and a sense of justice. These placements will make a BIG scene if they or their loved ones have been treated poorly in the past.

Kurapika communicates in a straightforward manner and makes quick decisions. We can look to his Mercury in Aries for this. He doesn’t appear to be close to Gon and oftentimes seems standoffish to anyone he meets. This is his Venus in Aquarius. While he cares about the safety of others, he tends to value his own ideas and individuality over any group. He doesn’t accept life isn’t fair for everyone and seeks to avenge any injustices. Kurapika’s journey has been to organize, carefully plan and rely on group efforts in order to get the desired outcome. And that is a North Node in Cancer.


Hisoka Morow

June 6, 1974

Sun - Gemini
Moon - Sagittarius
Mercury - Cancer
Venus - Taurus
Mars - Cancer
N. Node - Sagittarius

Are we really surprised Hisoka is a Gemini??? It’s extremely hard to pin down his motives or intentions throughout the entire series. Gemini’s are extremely adaptable to their environments, which Hisoka does flawlessly. It doesn’t help that he doesn’t really create alliances or deep connections. This is how a Moon in Sagittarius prefers it, these placements value their freedom. Having a Mercury in a water sign, specifically Cancer, isn’t usually a good placement. The reason? Many people have a hard time understanding what a Mercury in Cancer is saying. But that doesn’t stop Hisoka from easily understanding others while concealing his motives. Him and Killua have that in common.

Hisoka’s nen ability directly correlates to his Venus in Taurus. Venusian Tauruses enjoys the material world and can be very loyal to their desires. Even though we’re often unclear who or what Hisoka is loyal to, I think we’ll find out in later seasons. Once you find out what Hisoka’s nen ability is his Mars in Cancer makes total sense. Hisoka uses his nen to manipulate and strategizes to hide his true intentions during battle. This is completely different from Gon’s approach that is more direct, hasty and simplistic. In further seasons we’ll be able to gain more of his backstory, but his North Node in Sagittarius points to learning how to focus, cut out distractions, follow his own path in order to meet his vision.


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