Mercury Retrograding is Dragging Nicki Minaj, Here’s Why

In order to understand Nicki’s bad press run, you’ll need to understand the last Mercury Retrograde of 2021. The retrograde pre shadow retrograde period began Sept 6, 2021 and the post shadow retrograde period ends November 2, 2021. The active phase of the Mercury Retrograde is Sept 27 - Oct 18. In the article about September’s mercury, we predicted this retrograde would be harder for Aries, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Gemini - with an honorable mention going to Libra. Nicki’s birth chart explains why she is having a particularly hard time during the last trimester of 2021.


Nicki Minaj’s Birth Chart

Sun in Sagittarius
Moon in Virgo
Mercury in Sagittarius
Venus in Sagittarius
Mars in Capricorn
Jupiter in Scorpio
North Node in Cancer(r)

The past 3-6 months for Nicki has been preoccupied with a series of distractions due to her spouse’s past. This Mercury Retrograde magnifies those issues, emphasizing Libran energies like the legal system, love and family. Because Mercury rules communications, Nicki’s publicity either mobilizes her supporters or attracts more critics. Clearly she’s attracted more critics.

As a Solar Sagittarius, she’s more prone to have divisive opinions. These sun signs have a harder time biting their tongues. And this doesn’t bode well during Libra season when people seek to feel supported and included. Mercury is also in Libra which butts heads with Nicki’s Mercury in Sagittarius. Every astrologist will tell you misunderstandings are more likely during a Mercury Retrograde. If someone is unaware of how to harness their placement’s energies, those placements will sabotage them during this period. Sagittarians influence society to rethink social conventions and encourages everyone to be free thinkers. While this energy is helpful in certain instances, Astrologers and Energy Workers know this Mercury Retrograde is not the time.

Even more interesting is the Venus in Scorpio during the Retrograde. This energy influences you to obsess over the person or object of your desire. The goal being to persuade individuals or groups of people to support your cause. In this case, Nicki’s Venus in Sagittarius chose violence (figuratively). She’s using her Venus placement to sway or distract public opinion about her spouse. In the meantime, she’s sabotaging her public image.

Her North Node placement in Cancer (Reversed) helps us understand why she does this. Her lesson in this lifetime is to overcome her tendency towards martyrdom on behalf of her loved ones. In addition, it will expose how she self sacrifices for less than noble causes or people. Her luck may improve if she stops speaking to the public and quietly manages her affairs during Scorpio season. Unfortunately, she may end up using her Jupiter in Scorpio to cover up any wrongdoing on her part. Furthermore, she may try to scapegoat a group or person for troubles she brought into her life.


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