5 Powerful Types of Cards to Use for Divination

Each deck is $20 or below and can be paired with each other to provide more robust insights into your physical and spiritual journey.

  1. The Rider Waite Tarot Deck
    Whether you’re a beginner or expert, energy work and divination requires an understanding of symbols. The Rider Waite deck will never fail you and provides easy to understand and easy to remember illustrations. The best part is that small details may stand out during certain readings more than others. So you’ll never run out of interpretations for each card. Please check out my Beginner’s Guide to Tarot Meanings for free to learn their meanings.


2. Cards Against Humanity
As you grow on your divination journey, you’ll realize you’ll want a deck that’s more down to earth. Enter Cards Against Humanity. It adds a direct, “smack you in your face” tone to your readings. And the cards are always very specific and on point. If a sexual undertone is too crass for you, they have a variety of decks, including the Hidden Gems Bundle , the Family Bundle , or the Nerd Bundle.


3. Flash Cards
For these check your local Dollar store for a $5 pack, but these work in conjunction with a tarot or oracle deck. For instance, I used this deck to accurately predict when a client was a week out from going into labor. You’ll get great insights from these because they deal with the material world. If you goal is to use divination to understand your day to day physical reality, these are a must have.


4. Oracle Deck - I Love the Kuan Yin Deck
An Oracle Deck is necessary when starting your divination journey because it delves into non-material, spiritual realm. At some point you’ll want to understand magical experiences and an Oracle Deck will help you understand. Before launching my Spiritual business, I used these cards every week to journal and reflect on what my intuition was telling me.


5. Message Game Cards
Unless you’re in secure, stable relationships, you will find yourself preoccupied with matters of the heart. This means figuring out what that friend, lover or family member wants to tell you. Message cards, in this case, Slide in the DM’s game cards, are incredibly useful. I’ve used these for clients to accurately assess what their “special person” thinks and has said about them. You could use these effectively with the flash cards to learn about another’s day to day. Or you could use them with Oracle cards to gain insight into your person’s internal struggles or spiritual journey.


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