New Year, New You… Exciting Changes Are In Store For You In December’s Astrology Report

Dec 1 - 💫 Neptune goes Direct in Pisces 🐟♓️

*Queue Thats So Raven* For the last 6 months Neptune has been in retrograde. Think back:  Have you been having intense or strange interactions with people ? And have you left these interactions with a feeling about a person that’s hard to explain ? Likewise, you could’ve found yourself having dreams and thoughts about events or people in the future. And for some reason you’re CERTAIN that the event will come to pass? Starting this month, you’ll get evidence for those insights and your hunches will make more sense. 

It may help to write down your insights or visions for the future. As they unfold, you can compare your notes to the current reality and this will help you strengthen your intuition.

Dec 4 - 🌑 New Moon + Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius🏹 ♐️

New Moon, New You. The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius will encourage you to explore new people, places and emotions. You can make the most of the energy by traveling and meeting new people. You won’t be disappointed. But you’ll also re-evaluate your goals for next year. Over the course of this month you may decide to change your appearance or upgrade your wardrobe - opting for an aesthetic from a different state, region or country. 

Creating a vision board or booklet for yourself will help you make sense of your overall goals and areas of growth. 

Dec 13 - 💥Mars enters Sagittarius 🏹 ♐️

You’ll run the risk of burning out this month. This energy works in bursts : one minute you’ll take a break and the next you’ll rush to get a task completed. One things for certain: you won’t be bored. The transit will support you multitasking over the next month and half. If you have a side hustle and full time job you’ll be surprised at how well you’re able to do both. Please take multiple breaks - you’ll need the time to physically rest. You may find yourself revisiting things you did as a child. The goal is to take a childlike approach to life by being joyful, playful and occupied. 

Dec 18 - 🌕Full Moon in Gemini 👯♊️

The full moon will bring out your inner Dr. Jekyll + Mr. Hyde. Which means you’ll need to take a deep look at all the things you “hate“ about yourself. How have these hated aspects of your personality helped you? Who made you think these aspects were bad? Are there other people you’ve seen who have the same traits but benefit from it? The purpose of this Full Moon is to reconcile and embrace all parts of yourself. Obviously you can improve the parts that aren’t benefiting you, so any strange event that happens around the 18th is for your highest good!

Dec 19 - 🥰Venus Retrograde in Capricorn 🐐♑️  + 👩‍⚕️Chiron direct in Aries 🐏♈️

These transits asks you to rethink your standards and “type” when it comes to love. For the past 5 months, relationship turbulence popped up and made it very easy to see other’s weaknesses. In some ways everyone around you has been a mirror for your own weaknesses and blind spots. Depending on your personality you may have dealt with these issues by withdrawing, having emotional outbursts or responding passive aggressively. The Venus retrograde will force you to examine who modeled relationships for you (parents, family members, friends, community leaders) and ask you if these patterns are healthy for YOU.  Then, you’ll need to alter your thinking and behavior to form healthier relationships going forward. If you do the work, you’ll be surprised at how much easier it is for you to assert yourself and advocate for your needs and boundaries. 

Not everyone will take kindly to the new “you”. But it will be easier to know who’s worth putting time and effort into. 

From a career/business standpoint, you’ll be more serious about making a big change. That could mean going for that new job or position OR starting a business you’ve been thinking about for a while. As a tip, you will need to rethink your ideas around success. In the past it may have just been money or prestige. To make the most of this transit, you’ll want to create your own meaning for your professional and creative ventures. It will feel scary because the Chiron aspect will highlight your weaknesses regarding certain skillsets. Do not allow imposter syndrome discourage you! Find a way to improve those skills with classes, books, podcasts, etc. 

Dec 21 - 🤰🏽🌎Ceres Retrograde in Taurus 🐂♉️ + ☀️Sun enters Capricorn🐐♑️ 

Ceres represents Mother Earth and encompasses everything related to food, security, health and wealth. As it retrogrades in Taurus you may undergo a physical move (or just travel). Pay attention to your diet and energy levels - some of you may have issues with your thyroid or get a cold. Stock up on necessary food items or medicine; there may be a shortage of certain grocery items until Jan 14. If you’re looking for a new job, you may start during this time. It’s also possible that some of you choose to leave a less secure, stable job for a more steady form of employment. The key to making the most of this transit is to be consistent, rest when needed and prepare for shortages. 

Dec 24 - 💻♒️Saturn (Aquarius) square Uranus (Taurus)🐂♉️ + 💻♒️Jupiter (Aquarius) quintile Uranus (Taurus)🐂♉️

Investment restrictions and changes that benefit early adopters or long term investments.

This will primarily affect crypto and stock holders. The government may implement restrictions for crypto and stock holders that will benefit a very specific type of investor. For example, the government may try to prevent us from purchasing certain types of cryptocurrencies while incentivizing other cryptocurrencies and stock. 

Dec 28 - 🍀Jupiter enters Pisces 🐟♓️

Follow your intuition and dreams, they’ll prove to pay off well. Creatives, you’ll do well during this time and find yourself wanting to work rather than entertain others. Likewise, if you spend the holidays with others you’ll want to be around like-minded individuals. This could be a great time to find your tribe. Especially, if you’ve been feeling like you’ve outgrown your current group of friends and family. 


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