Big Changes Ahead! November 2021 Horoscope is Transforming You & your relationships

November 4 -  🌑 New Moon in Scorpio 🦂♏️

Scorpio represents the hidden and transformations. Did you spend the Mercury Retrograde working on your goals? The next 15 days will encourage you to commit fully to your desires and clear out any obstacles. This may be people or environments that are unhealthy for you. The last 6 months reflects your energy and what you’ve been focusing on. Now it’s your turn to determine if this has been helping or harming you. What habits do you need to change to get the results you desire?

You’ll feel this energy until Nov 19.

November 5 - 🥰Venus enters Capricorn 🐐♑️🗣Mercury enters Scorpio 🦂♏️

If you’re dating, this planetary transit will help you properly vet prospective partners. What do you value? Mercury in Scorpio encourages you to get to the bottom of that special person’s motives. In work/career, this placement will encourage you to ask probing questions to get the job done right - the first time. You can make the most out of these placements by focusing on concrete results and fully assessing a situation before you commit. If you use this placement properly for career, finances or love you can make lasting changes that benefit you for the long run. Just be careful not to confuse “traditional goals” with your personal goals and desires.

You’ll be focused on getting to the “bottom” of things until Nov 24. You’ll be focused on building security and stability until Dec 19.

November 8 - 🧚🏾‍♀️Pallas Direct in Pisces 🐟♓️

Avoid using the idea of self sacrifice, service and martyrdom to “help” others. Concern yourself with ideas of self love and growth. This planetary alignment encourages us to work on ourselves before we require others to change. While we want to be angry with others for not adhering to our standards, this placement teaches us to grant grace and compassion to all. 

November 14 - 🔥Juno enters Capricorn 🐐♑️

Juno rules over long term relationships like marriage. As it transits into Capricorn, there will be a push towards more traditional forms of relationships. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of you with complimentary placements met your future spouse, deepened a relationship or got pregnant. Interestingly enough, this placement will also force you to see the value and the holes in our society’s idea of a “traditional” relationship. Many of you will have to deal with father related issues or take the time to understand what it means to have/be a father, husband, son. 

Did you have a demanding, detached or emotionally cold father (figure)? How has this impacted you? How does this affect the traits you value in a partner?  These are questions you’ll be forced to reconcile with this placement. 

November 16 -  Vesta enters Sagittarius 🏹♐️

Vesta represents personal devotion and all the ways we commit to our duties. This transit will impact how much we’ve allowed ourselves to explore different places, people and ideas. Perhaps you’ve always done things a certain way because that’s what has been expected of you. The Sagittarius placement almost throws these traditional beliefs back in your face. It’s possible that an issue arises because you refuse to think of a perspective outside of your own. Parenting related to the mother is important during this time. You may distance yourself from a mother figure or need to give your children more freedom to express themselves. 

It’s possible that you forego a romantic relationship to explore the person you’d like to be. This will be apparent for those who have made a bunch of sacrifices for their relationship or “mother” their partner. 

November 19 - 🌕 Full Moon in Taurus 🐂♉️ + Partial Lunar Eclipse

Taurus rules over physical possessions and this full moon will cause you to seek security in material comforts. Food, housing and investments will be more important during this transit.  Anything that isn’t secure and stable or won’t give you a return on your energetic, monetary or emotional investment has to go. The moon in Taurus makes people more “fixed” in the ways, so keep to yourself during this time. 

November 21 - ☀️Sun enters Sagittarius 🏹♐️

As the Sun switches from mysterious Scorpio, you’ll feel more emboldened to explore. This may be traveling, finding new hobbies or interests and meeting new people. I encourage you to take time for yourself to try something new. Make a to do list, involve your friends and family, and create a new tradition. 

You’ll feel this energy until Dec 21.

November 24 - 🗣Mercury enters Sagittarius 🏹♐️

This transit will make you very inquisitive and opinionated. Part of Sagittarius’ mission is to find themself by trying everything. Expect communication to be hasty, rushed and blunt. Don’t take any offense, just ask questions for clarity. This energy favors those who are straightforward and demands what they want. Anything is possible!

You’ll feel this energy until Dec 13. 

November 26 - 🪐Saturn sextile Chiron

How does your inner code of ethics align with our society’s values? During this transit you may take a new class or teach a class, focus on shadow work or overcoming a past setback. This transit will also encourage you to pursue efforts that align with your energy levels and technological advances. For example, you may decide to teach others a skill set that will make their lives easier. You may talk to others about your past failure or hurdles in the form of a support group. 


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