It’s Giving… Frustration. How to Deal with Mercury Retrograde’s Post Shadow Period

Monday, October 18, 2021 marked Mercury Retrograde going direct in Libra - with most people sighing relief. However, for some signs like Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aries and Libra are still feeling it’s after effects until November 2, 2021. Here’s how to cope:

Take your time… Don’t rush

We know you feel the pressure to “catch up”. This Mercury Retrograde has put a damper on plans and communications. Rushing will only cause more frustration. Mars is in Libra until October 30, which will cause you to feel indecisive and more likely to procrastinate.

Experiment and Explore

Sagittarius has a great effect on Venus, prompting us to explore multiple ways to express ourselves. With Mars in Libra, you won’t feel pressured to make any adventures or experiments a permanent change. However the new things you explore will encourage you to change an aspect of work, business or love starting November 5, 2021.

Find Your Tribe Online

Due to lockdowns and a looming changes to society and the economy, more people are struggling with making sense of it all. Since the pandemic, many of us have re-evaluated our priorities. Your best bet for success in 2022 is to cultivate a new tribe online that aligns with your values.


Big Changes Ahead! November 2021 Horoscope is Transforming You & your relationships


ten of cups and the moon meanings