January 2022 Mid MonthAstrology Report is here to make you rethink what you want

Jan 17 - 🌕Full Moon in Cancer 🦀

Today’s full moon will encourage you to work slowly and speak carefully. Before you send that text message or email think about your motives. Are you holding someone or a situation to an unrealistic expectation? Fear, anxiety and anger are all signs that you are not going with the universal flow. The purpose of this full moon is to reflect on how you achieve your goals when facing obstacles or delays. See people and situations as they are and deal with them appropriately. This will call for you to change your behavior instead of demanding something else change to make you comfortable. 

The next full moon is Feb 16, 2022

Jan 19 - ☀️Sun enters Aquarius 🐟

Embrace your uniqueness. Aquarius season marks a time period for you to tap into your individuality and life blueprint to fulfill your destiny. This season will highlight areas of your life that need adjustments. Resist the temptation to blend or keep your ideas to yourself. Even if you receive pushback the constructive criticism will help you find more efficient ways to manifest your ideas. 

Transit lasts until Feb 18, 2022

Jan 24 - 💥Mars enters Capricorn 🐐

Create a huge vision for yourself.  This transit urges you to sacrifice short term pleasure for longevity and stability. This attitude will help you attract other successful people and situations to aid you in your journey. Make huge demonstrations to the universe to indicate you are ready to receive. Check out this free guide on manifesting to learn more.

Transit lasts until Mar 6, 2022

Jan 25 - ☿Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 🐐

Before you freak out, hear me out: this retrograde may make you think all your plans are being broken down. You may rush to complete something just to realize you overlooked a huge error. Or a key person in your plans doesn’t follow through on their end of the deal. During this time collaborate with multiple people to ensure tasks are completed and well understood. Seek feedback and constructive criticism before starting on any idea! 

Transit lasts until  Feb 3, 2022

Jan 29 - 😍Venus direct in Capricorn 🐐

Stop and think about the status of your relationships and creative pursuits since Dec 19, 2021. Is it what you wanted? More than likely, it’s pretty darn close but there were key areas that needed improvement. Instead of fixing the issues, it was more important to use the Venus Retrograde to imagine a more aligned vision for yourself. 

Moving forward, you can use this transit in your love life to work towards a new stable start with loved one. Or take the time to seriously date and vet new potential partners. In business and your career you’ll make some headway into creating the perfect position or business that aligns with your skills and talents. 

Transit lasts until March 6 , 2022

February 2022 Preview 

Viewing emotions objectively. Working consistently and being productive after revisions to a plan. Highlighting communicating in a way that makes you different. Be aware of not pushing others away in your communications. Attraction to people and situations  that embrace your individuality. Emphasis on really talking to people about your/their life experiences and cultivating empathy. Taking an abstract idea and moving forward to make it concrete. Competing abstract ideas. 


Manifest Easily with ‘The Game of life and How to play it’ Spark notes


New Year, New You… Exciting Changes Are In Store For You In December’s Astrology Report