death tarot love meaning


death tarot upright signifies a major transformation has taken place in a relationship. this can be good or bad depending on the context. has a relationship grown stagnant and you’ve been wishing for a major shakeup to take place? if you have, this card will bring you what you want. something old has been thrown out in a relationship, so that a new beginning can start. the death card can symbolize an intense relationship, in which both people have had to change tremendously. i do get this card when a couple has broken up or is on the verge of breaking up. if both people aren’t willing to transform their relationship, it will end, in order to make way for another relationship that will fulfill their desires.

as for feelings:

friend: they want to end the friendship or are grieving the loss of a friendship.

friend w/ benefits: either they want to  get into a committed relationship or end the interaction altogether.

relationship: one partner has disappeared and someone is grieving.

ex: they are mourning the loss of this relationship.


when this card comes up in the reverse, someone is having a hard time letting go of the past. in other words they are reminiscing on the good/bad times. therefore, they are not able to allow the relationship to move forward.

as for feelings:

friend: they are thinking about the times you shared, good or bad.

friends w/ benefits: they are thinking of when you all were friends.

relationship : they are looking to the beginning of your relationship or thinking about a past argument you two had.

ex: they are having a hard time letting this relationship go.


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feb 2021 astro report