the hierophant love meaning


the hierophant indicates a relationship that follows traditional norms, in which a commitment has taken place. depending on the type of person you’re dating this may be positive or negative. in the event that your significant other is eccentric, they may see you as conservative and rigid. if  this person craves security, they will love that you are by the book and traditional. on a date, this may mean that person sees you as “their type“.

friend: you  are a mature friend who gives wise counsel.

friend with benefits: you are very experienced in sex or you are very modest, conservative in nature.

relationship: this person feels bonded by duty to you and very committed. or you all need counseling.

ex: they were very committed to you. the relationship was very traditional. or they felt too many people intervened in the relationship.


in reverse, the hierophant represents an unorthodox relationship or failure to do things correctly in a relationship. or you do not fit the person’s usual “type“. or it may be reflective of a person being non committal. the person in mind may see you as eccentric, a rebel, or unusual.

friend: their unconventional friend.

friends with benefits: you have an unusual love-making style and/or you’re very different from what they’re accustomed to.

relationship: an open relationship. a relationship that does not follow traditional norms. they feel this relationship is progressive.

ex: this relationship was not right for them. you were not their type. you didn’t follow the rules. you or the relationship was unpredictable.


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