feb 2021 astro report

Happy Birthday Aquarius & Pisces 🥳

Quick disclaimer: Mercury retrogrades are nothing to fear. It just signals a reflecting and reviewing period. Those of you born during a mercury retrograde will actually appreciate and thrive during this transit more. 

Feb 1 - 😘 Venus in Aquarius ♒️

If you love it, let it go. Keep in mind that Mercury is in retrograde. Meaning, love and creativity may be seeing more action online than IRL (in real life). People from the past may be coming back around and reach out to you on social media platforms. I do not recommend rekindling a romance during the retrograde, as this signals a time of reflection. You’ll be challenged to rethink the role freedom plays in your romantic relationships. You may realize a certain someone came into your life to help you embrace a unique quality. Either way, the goal is to view the things you love with a sense of detachment. 

Feb 11 - 🌑 New Moon in Aquarius ♒️

It’s giving twilight zone or matrix vibes. The Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury planetary placements will all be in Aquarius. For those of you with Aquarius placements, it may not be as jarring. But the more watery and earth signs will have a WTF moment. 🥴 Technological changes and new ideas will be at the forefront that directly challenge life as we know it. I highly recommend taking notes on new insights and opportunities that arise this day. And jumping on the bandwagon. You’ll surprisingly be more mentally alert and clear to make rational and logical decisions. 

Feb 18- ☀️ Sun enters Pisces 🐟

Life is but a dream and this placement will make you more intuitive and imaginative. But it can also be harder to distinguish illusion from reality. So step back and be very slow to make snap judgements. You may find that you didn’t have all the information or you had a misconception about the information you received. You may also receive more messages through dreams, so pay attention. It’s worth noting you should reflect on these dreams. Are they speaking to an insecurity or fear? Or are they messages that will help you?

Feb 20 - ☄️ Mercury Goes Direct in Aquarius ♒️

Finally, the delay lifts! News may come in fast and new laws or regulations may take place. For those of you in business, make sure your ventures are set up to take orders online. I’d also recommend implementing any plans you developed during the retrograde now. You’ll have less obstacles and delays to success. 

Feb 27- 🌕 Full Moon in Virgo ♍️

Check those investments. Clear out the clutter. Virgo embodies those who wait patiently for the harvest. There may be some interesting news about anyone investing during this time. Maybe the investment does better than expected. Perhaps it doesn’t. It’s all dependent upon your emotional state. Resist the urge to allow your anxiety and fear sabotage a great opportunity. It would be a great time to “clear house” by cleaning and organizing your physical, emotional and mental spaces. 


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