JAN 2020 Astro Report

Happy Birthday Capricorn & Aquarius 🥳🎂

Jan 8 - ☄️ Mercury in Aquarius + 💥 Mars in Taurus

Getting to the money! Mars enters Taurus on Jan 6, but with these two alignments, you’ll be more open to unorthodox money making opportunities. Most of these ideas will include technology, so think “online” and “unconventional”. You’ll also find your energy levels and motivation will stabilize. Which means, you’ll have the stamina to make your ideas a reality.

Edit: Mars in Taurus indicates a time where people will fight the establishment.

Jan 13 - 🌑 New Moon in Capricorn ♑️

Are you mastering your emotions or are your emotions mastering you? Venus will also be in Capricorn, so you’ll find yourself in one of two camps. Either you’ll allow yourself to indulge in not so constructive relationships and habits - a form of self sabotage. Or you’ll view your creative outlets and relationships as investment opportunities - using them as a source of inspiration and productivity. Only you can decide.

Jan 19- ☀️ Sun enters Aquarius 👩🏾‍💻

Embrace your inner weirdo. Uranus goes direct in Taurus five days prior, meaning things are going to get a lil strange. Right after Uranus entered Taurus last March, the country went into lockdown. With that being said, I see more economic changes taking place. Meaning those who have been working on unconventional, creative and artistic products/services will thrive. This also applies to those who have made unconventional investments. The transit may negatively impact those who are in industries and businesses that have not embraced technology and adapted to COVID restrictions.  

Jan 28- 🌕 Full Moon in Leo ♌️

You’re different, and it shows. 👀 If you’ve been working on your “ideas”, this will be a period of culmination and fruition. The moon represents all that is unseen and hidden. Leo is the exact opposite. So take this time to release a new product or service. You may receive payment for some investment during this time. Emotionally, you’ll embrace your uniqueness, and bring it to the surface. This may reflect on your social media profiles or physical appearance. So do you and do it big.

Jan 30 - ☄️ Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius ♒️

Mercury will be in retrograde until Feb 21, 2021. What could happen is some sort of delay in communication due to supply chain issues. Or there could be an emphasis on institutionalizing certain apps. For you, use this time to reflect on which technologies are helping and harming you. Maybe you don’t need all 4 of those social media apps. Which one of those unconventional ideas are worth keeping or pursuing?  Take this time to figure it out.


the moon love meaning


DEC 2020 Astro Report