DEC 2020 Astro Report

Happy Birthday Sagittarius & Capricorn 🥳

Dec 1 - ☄️ Mercury enters Sagittarius ♐️ 

Free your mind! Freedom loving and explorer Sagittarius calls for you to communicate openly, honestly and optimistically. Think big & be willing to entertain all types of ideas , even if they differ from your own. Details are oftentimes overlooked with this aspect so make sure you double and triple check emails and messages. You may find yourself in more debates during this time with others or with yourself. That’s ok👌🏾 . The purpose is to push you past your perceived frameworks. As a disclaimer, this aspect lends everyone to communicate bluntly. Maintaining tact will be important during this time. Just because you can say it doesn’t mean you should. 🤭

Dec 14 - 🌑 New Moon in Sagittarius ♐️ 

Sunny side up. No matter what happens, you’ll be more prone to look at the bright side of things. You’ll also desire to roam and travel during this time. If you cannot physically travel, I encourage you to explore different cultures by way of food, movies, books and art. Feel empowered to express your beliefs and emotions , but also be open to how others experience life. You may be faced with a set of circumstances that challenge you and push your boundaries. Do not hide/shy away from them. Engage and you will feel emotional satisfaction as a result. Bursts of anger and restlessness are possible. Let it pass by running or releasing this energy physically. 

Dec 21 - ☀️ Sun enters Capricorn 🐏 

Benjamin Button syndrome. For those of you 40+ you’ll feel more carefree during this time. Mainly because you’ll look at all the work you’ve put forth and understand that maybe you’ve been taking life a little too seriously. Everyone else... it’s time to get to work. What is that big goal that you’d like to accomplish in 2021?? Make a plan to methodically and consistently work towards it. A slow and steady pace wins the race. You’ll feel a responsibility to follow through on your plans. And it may not come easy. The goal is to teach you endurance, perseverance and patience. Appreciate and laugh at the random curveballs life throws you. The goal is to make your work a relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Dec 30 - 🌕 Full Moon in Cancer ♋️ 

You’re going to be in your feelings. Which is okay because you’ll be able to sense what your loved ones need and take action to give it to them. You’ll feel the need to be more deeply connected with your family and friends. This will create a sense of emotional well-being for you. Be open to express how you feel to others. Be careful not to clam up and retreat when you feel defensive. Take responsibility for how you feel. Understand that others do not have the ability to sway your emotions. It’s only your response to their actions that impacts your sense of well-being. Recognize your internal rhythms and create a schedule. Your emotions will ebb and flow more during this time and it will impact your energy. 


JAN 2020 Astro Report


NOV 2020 Astro Report