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three of pentacles


establishing a solid foundation , a work in progress


going to therapy/counseling, marriage/couple counseling, buying/inspecting/renovating a house, going to school, participating in an internship/apprenticeship, entry level job, medical intervention/specialist


when this card appears it signals a period where two people are working together to build a more secure, stable relationship. if you are in the beginning phases of a relationship, you or the other person could be seeking advice from friends/family/mentors. more established couples may be seeking couples counseling. it’s not unusual to get this card when couples are preparing to move or create a home together. this card represents a couple who coparents together. all in all, this card marks a time when a couple is at the beginning stages of working towards a joint goal.


for feelings, one person is concerned with the logistics of reaching a goal. i would view this neutrally. when casually dating, this person  wants to investigate if you both want the same things out of life. they’ll be open about their preferences regarding relationships, marriage, kids, finances and want to know if you all match. don’t be surprised if they tell you they’ve talked to their family and friends about you. their feelings for you will be heavily influenced by the people closest to them. keep this in mind if you are meeting their relatives and friends.  if you have been arguing with someone, they want to work things out. however, they feel a mediator is needed.


professions: construction, therapy/ counseling, teaching, architecture, intern/apprentice

if you are just starting at a new job, this could indicate a training period. you are getting acclimated with the current work environment and need coworkers or a supervisor to show you the “ropes“. otherwise, you could be the trainer, showing a newbie the work processes. this isn’t as good of a placement if you have been at a job for years. three of pentacles means you probably have been passed up for promotions. you would have to pull additional cards to uncover why you aren’t advancing in your current position. alternatively, you may have been put on a hr work progress plan. due to the “beginner” and “intervention“ connotations, this card is in it’s best position when you are an intern or entry level worker. you would have all the support you need to excel.

in business, this card indicates needing to consult others to further your work. example, a client of mine was working on herbal infused drinks. she got this card because she needed to consult chefs to understand the process of making her drinks in a commercial kitchen. the key in business readings is to speak to people who know more than you on a particular subject. learn all you can.


marriage or family therapy comes to mind when pulling this card. the family unit may be in the process of looking for a new home. a teenager may need to see a therapist or psychiatrist if s/he is having behavioral or mental health problems. premarital counseling is also indicated. three of pentacles in a family reading indicates seeking help to create a solid, secure foundation so everyone can be comfortable and communicate well.


in the reversed position, the card relates to dysfunctional situations due to unstable foundations. did you rush into a relationship without talking to your partner about finances, health, and communication styles? did the family move into the house without checking for structural damage or liens owed on the property? did you agree to a job where you thought you’d be receiving mentorship and support but it became very clear you’d be working alone with little support? alternatively, did you agree to work in a position but didn’t have enough knowledge to perform well? three of pentacles reversed calls for you to analyze what materials/resources you would need to be successful. look at your current situation and compare it to what you would need. what’s missing? act to fill in the gaps, or your project or relationship is bound to fail.