Three of Pentacles & Four of Wands

Wedding & New Family, Celebration + Graduation, Apprenticeship & Rewards, Entry Level Job & Family Related Industry

Four of Wands: Wedding, Celebration, Baby Shower, Graduation
Four of Wands (Reversed): Divorce, Family Fight, Dysfunction, Breakup
Three of Pentacles: Internship, Apprenticeship, Entry Level Job, Therapy, Counseling, Home
Three of Pentacles (Reversed): Unstable, Financial Insecurity, Inexperienced

What does Four of Wands and Three of Pentacles mean in love?
Counseling is taking place in preparation for a marriage or commitment ceremony. 4 of wands relates to celebrations like: weddings, baby showers and graduation ceremonies. 3 of pentacles represents a new family, seeking therapy or counseling or signing paperwork for a new home. If you get these two cards in a reading, you’re guaranteed a happy outcome!

What does Four of Wands and Three of Pentacles mean as feelings?
If asking how someone feels about you they see you as family. This could indicate seeing you as someone they could marry or introduce to their family. Their feelings about you are in the beginning phase and they can see you all building something more stable. There is still more to learn about you. Additionally, when you two are together they have a great time.

What does Four of Wands and Three of Pentacles mean in work?
This combination indicates someone who works in the following industries: weddings, celebrations, real estate, hospitality, construction. This person is an apprentice, intern or entry level worker. While the employee has a strong foundation of knowledge, they have a lot more to learn and need a mentor to oversee their work.

In a professional setting, a coworker or supervisor views you as someone who is a consistent and hard worker. You have a lot to learn and they find you enjoyable to work with. If you’re wondering about a job offer, it’s time to celebrate. The company will be offering you a position. It may take up to 3 months for the position or offer to present itself.

Reversal Combinations

Three of Pentacles (Reversed) + Four of Wands
An unstable family, job or house but everyone is happy. There may be an issue regarding financial insecurity. A housing unit is not built properly and has structural problems. However, it’s nothing that everyone can’t work through. It will require more knowledgeable people to fix the problem.

Three of Pentacles (Reversed) + Four of Wands (Reversed)
A dysfunctional family or team experiencing instability. No one knows what they’re doing or how to fix the issues. As a result, no one is happy. People will choose to leave, quit or divorce. Divorce over financial issues. A poorly built home creating problems with the tenants or family.

Three of Pentacles + Four of Wands (Reversed)
Unhappy partners, coworkers or family at a stable home, job. In this case, three of pentacles takes on a different meaning. There are some people acting as managers or parents, while others act as children. This creates unhappiness within the partnership or group because the workload isn’t evenly split.


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