the world

what does the world card mean in tarot?

The World card reflects the fact that you have reached an important milestone in your life and have built resilience and withstood challenges. This card shows the completion of a long-term project, study or other important event in your life. When The World appears in a tarot reading, you will have an overwhelming sense of wholeness, accomplishment, fulfillment and accomplishment.   

The world can be the completion of a challenge, such as a university course or project, or the fulfillment of a dream or goal, such as starting a business, getting married or having children. The World represents the completion of self-realization, the successful fusion of conscious and unconscious achievements that determine one's life. It promises success and reminds you to value life.

When paired with the Magician, the Ace of Wands, Ace of Cups, Ace of Swords, or Ace of Pentacles The World encourages you to follow your own path in life to achieve success.

the world energy and symbology

Whereas The Wheel of Fortune tarot card describes the cyclical nature of life and existence, The World refers to the culmination of an important goal or activity that has been in development for a long period of time. The World represents the end of a cycle: a review period in life before the next big cycle begins. It signals an awakening without the necessity of dying. In this sense, The World is constructive and represents growth.

The title "world" may seem ironic, but the (Rider Waite) illustration represents the feeling you get when you conquer your “world”. This could be finally getting that relationship, triumphing over hardship, or going on that trip. The esoteric symbolism of the Rider Waite deck shows us the joys of accomplishment through practical, tangible steps. Whoever pulls The World understands the bigger picture and how multiple aspects worked together to achieve union.

The World symbolizes that you have not closed a chapter in your life, but a whole volume.  Even if you do not recognize the point of completion, the world indicates that it will not be long before you reach it. Take a deep breath and summon up your courage to cross the finish line. You’ll look back on this period in life and marvel at what you achieved.

the world in love

This card shows fulfillment, joy, love and overall positivity. It shows that you have received the appropriate reward for your efforts and that you have a sense of wholeness and perfection.    

This is a positive card for singles and marks the beginning of a new chapter in their lives. If partnered, this card shows that you and your partner have achieved a big step in your relationship and are moving towards a new beginning.   The World can signal going on a trip with your lover or meeting someone new while traveling. Sometimes, this card can represent meeting someone online. The distance may pose a challenge that you two feel the need to overcome.

If asking how your special someone feels about you, they think you bring them fulfillment and complete happiness. The world may be a little cliché, but it represents a partner who thinks you are the “whole package”. For an individual, this card is a good sign as it promises satisfaction no matter what happens.

If it shows an Ace of Cups, Knight of Cups, The Lovers, 2 of Cups or 6 of Cups, it indicates you are about to meet the love of your life.   If you get this card with The Death, Eight of Cups, or Three of Swords, it marks the end of heartache and recovering from a breakup.

the world in spirituality

There is a deep sense of fulfillment that is connected with the world and the relationship we have with ourselves. This card signals we have completed one of the many journeys on the path to personal development.

If you find this card in a tarot reading, it symbolizes that you have reached consummation. The World marks the end of a journey or an era. When you're struggling with illness or injury, the world is a great card because it represents overcoming adversity. It is also a promising card to appear in work-related readings.

the world as advice

If you are worried about your life and get The World, you are told to put on your big boy or girl undies because you are the only one who can save yourself.  Find your inner confidence and seek out people or resources to aid you. Your answer might be found online.

Create a vision for yourself and identify what resources you would need to accomplish your goal. This may require you to reassess your world view. How can you broaden your perspective?

In love, The World encourages you to “look at the bigger picture“. How does this relationship align with what you want to be true for your life? Even if this person seems right in context to your community, are they right for how you would like to interact with society at large? For instance, if you were raised thinking marriage and kids was the only path of success, The World is challenging you to reconsider this idea and to explore other versions of success.

the world reversed

Your world is turned upside down when you draw The World reversed. In the general context, it indicates that you have not achieved what you set out to do, or that things are stagnating. Reversed, you can expect a negative outcome or the incompletion of a specific task, goal or project. Although this can mean that you will achieve your goals, it may not give you the fulfillment you are looking for.   

The World reversed can signal you are taking the “forest for the trees“, meaning you are so caught up in the details you are losing sight of the overall vision. In order to avoid the negative consequences of this card, it’s urging you to take a step back and reassess if all your “systems” are working together.


wheel of fortune


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