the last mercury retrograde of 2021 is here - and you can manifest big

Mercury retrogrades in the constellation of Libra on Monday, September 27, 2021 - coming for your relationships, resources and sense of purpose.

how long will the mercury retrograde last?

September 27 - October 18 marks the active phase fo the mercury retrograde. The energy is the strongest and you feel the effects more intensely.

October 18 - November 2 marks the second shadow phase. You still feel the remnants, but it’t not as strong.

what are the other planetary aspects during this time?

☀︎ Sun in Libra

✍︎ Mercury in Libra 

☼ Mars in Libra 

♡ Venus in Scorpio 

☾ New Moon in Libra (Oct 6 )

What does the mercury retrograde mean for me?

There will be two groups of people: those who have been working quietly and privately and those who have been distracted by the good (or bad) things going on in life over the past 3-6 months.

The workers will continue to work on their goals by compiling resources to develop their vision. The go with the flow-ers will be reassessing what they want. This could include pivoting to a path that fits their developing needs.

Either way both groups should spend the next 3 weeks gathering technological tools and community support to further their dreams.

The workers may have a harder time with maintaining their energy levels. They could feel spurts of inspiration followed by periods of fatigue. The go with the flow-ers may feel more inspired to make changes at a steady pace because they have the feedback of the recent past.

Both groups will have to pace themselves to work slowly and steadily. The Mercury Retrograde will lend itself to errors and communication issues. Set a reasonable daily or weekly goal and stick to it.

The workers will distance themselves more, isolating themselves to get work done and viewing others as a distraction. The go with the flow-ers will find their friendships and familial relationships rapidly changing. The retrograde will reveal haters and you’ll gather supporters online or through a group of strangers.

how will the mercury retrograde affect my sign?

Mars in Libra will influence all signs to “act” by creating harmonious conditions for success. It’s an indirect form of action. Instead of doing it yourself or telling someone to figure it out for you, you will have to figure out how the whole system works. Each part of the system will have to work cohesively to achieve your long term goal.

Aries, Sagittarius, Pisces and Capricorn Mars placements will have a hard time making sense of this aspect.

Venus in Scorpio will encourage everyone to focus intensely on the object of their desire. It encourages you to find that thing and understand it deeply. It will also push you to question everything and to explore the psychology of groups and individuals in relation to your business, work or idea. This energy is private and will push you to work solo.

Gemini, Libra, Aries and Sagittarius Venus placements  will have a harder time utilizing this aspect. Gemini and Sag likes to scatter their energy in order to make sense of opposing views. Libra and Aries likes direct feedback and cooperative work.

Mercury in Libra lends itself to a diplomatic, passive, fair, indecisive, cooperation way of communicating. This energy encourages us to mobilize allies and avoid potential threats. This mode of communication relies on balance and justice. Your environment will not support deception, greed or confusion.

Sagittarius, Aries, Scorpio, Taurus Mercury placements will have a harder time making sense of this aspect . Sag and Aries can communicate in a harsh, blunt manner, causing unnecessary arguments. Scorpio has a difficulty expressing their motives in a clear way, causing confusion and possible deception. Taurus withholds informations, and can be dogmatic to the point of obstructing beneficial change.


The Mercury RX will be easier for Libra, Leo, Pisces, Virgo.

The Mercury RX will be harder for Aries, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Gemini.

Edit: Sooo supposedly the libras are struggling, mainly because emotions are everywhere.


the fool

