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ten of cups


“happily ever after“ is the term that comes to mind when interpreting the ten of cups. in a love reading, this is the card you hope to get.  the relationship offers harmony, joy and contentment. rest assured if you get this card as an outcome this union is blessed and the person sees you as an ideal friend and lover. keep in mind these are all feelings, which may or may not be based in reality. I've also gotten this card when people really like one another, but those feelings never transfer over into a commitment.

a date: you make them feel carefree and and content with life. they find joy in the moment with you.

friend:  you make this person extremely happy as their friend. they look at you as family.

friend w/ benefits: this person could see a future with you. they are satisfied with you as a friend and lover.

relationship: you provide an immense amount of joy and contentment. things couldn’t get better than this.

ex: you were the best they had or they were the best you had.


the ten of cups reversed is not the best card to get in a love reading. this card indicates unhappiness, discontent and separation between two parties. in extreme cases, this is an abusive relationship.

a date: the have no feelings towards you because they cannot imagine a happy future with you.

friend:  you two are dysfunctional together. 

friend w/ benefits: they are dissatisfied with you as a lover. therefore, they are unhappy with this relationship.

relationship: there are unmet desires or arguments have taken place in this relationship. someone may be craving space or distance.

ex: they were extremely unhappy in this relationship. there were too many arguments or too much dysfunction. for this reason, it was best that you two break up.