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ten of cups and the moon meanings

ten of cups and the moon


when we see pictures of people on social media, we all have a perception of what their lives are like. ten of cups and the moon reminds us all that glitters isn’t gold. what we see is oftentimes an illusion, a 30 second glance into what seems like a fairytale. when we dig beneath the surface, we may find an affair, dysfunctional familial relationships or even abuse. other times, this pair may point to keeping the peace by keeping quiet. not speaking the truth can also lead to the illusion of happiness. the long term health of a relationship is compromised for the short term facade of happiness.


ten of cups 

  • family

  • celebrations

  • party

  • connecting with loved ones

  • happiness

  • joy

  • contentment

  • true emotional fulfillment 

the moon

  • illusion 

  • better left unsaid/unspoken

  • a truth you cannot admit 

  • deception

  • rose colored glasses

  • full moon timing

  • new moon timing 


  • the happy family is an illusion. 

  • to keep the family happy, some things are better left unsaid 

  • keeping this secret makes you the most happy.

  • celebrating with family around the full or new moon. 

  • dreaming of an happily ever after. 

  • anxiety about loved ones. 

  • illegal activity with family.

  • insecurities in a relationship. 

  • anxiety about the celebration.

  • something is too good to be true. 

  • an undercover affair in the relationship. 


  • feels like home but unsure why

  • ultimate happiness but causes anxiety

  • in love but tries to hide it


  • create a welcoming environment, but be careful. 

  • a loved one may be deceiving you - be aware.

  • proceed with caution at the party, don’t drink too much.

  • be open and trust your intuition.

ten of cups and the moon(reversed)


oftentimes, true emotional fulfillment comes from overcoming our innermost fears and becoming  clear on what we want. the ten of cups and the moon (reversed) reminds us that what we fear the most is key to living our best lives. by embracing our darkness, we can discover what will bring us the most happiness. for example, you may be afraid to tell your family your lifestyle preference, such as having children, being gay, or choosing a career that differs from your familial expectations.  you may find, by telling them, you are free to live your most authentic life. you may be surprised to find that your family doesn’t even care! in fact, they celebrate you for sharing. perhaps it’s a realization you have come to with yourself. an aspect of your life has been foggy. you have found your personal truth and are celebrating your newfound clarity. 


ten of cups 

  • family

  • celebrations

  • party

  • connecting with loved ones

  • happiness

  • joy

  • contentment

  • true emotional fulfillment 

the moon (reversed)

  • overcoming/ridding/exposing fears, depression, negativity

  • the crystal clear truth

  • coping with unhappiness

  • overcoming illusions

  • confidence 

  • clarity


  • content/happy/joy and isn’t afraid to show it

  • happiness after depression

  • in love and clear about it


  • the family is happy after exposing secrets 

  • family secrets exposed.

  • experiencing joy after releasing negativity 

  • connecting with family to cope with unhappiness

  • celebrating ridding yourself of depression.

  • its clear, connecting with loved ones rids you of depression.

  • your desires are fulfilled after exposing your fears. 

  • an exposed affair in a relationship.


  • create a welcoming environment and be clear on what you desire.

  • to get to the truth approach with love. 

  • treat others as family, rid yourself of any fears. 

  • celebrate and proceed with confidence.

  • welcome others by being honest. 

ten of cups(reversed) and the moon


when you’re unhappy, it may be hard to to admit to yourself or another person. especially if the source of that unhappiness is someone you deeply love and care about. it may seem that those unfulfilled desires are better left unsaid. ten of cups (r) and the moon reminds us that deluding yourself by ignoring what you desire is a recipe for great unhappiness. depression caused by self-deception is a form of lunacy, as depicted by the moon tarot card. the pair could also point to separation, distance or depression that occurs around the full or new moon.

ten of cups (r)

  • unhappy home

  • abuse 

  • family breakdown 

  • marital separation 

  • broken trust

  • unmet desires 

  • depression 

  • unfulfilled desires

  • burnout

the moon

  • illusion 

  • better left unsaid/unspoken

  • a truth you cannot admit 

  • deception

  • rose colored glasses

  • full moon or new moon timing 

  • impulse


  • unhappy, depressed and unsure why

  • unhappy and keeping it hidden

  • burnt out and impulsive

  • heartbroken and deceived


  • you cannot admit you are in an unhappy home. 

  • depression due to separation. 

  • family breakdown due to a truth someone cannot admit.

  • unfulfilled desires are better left unsaid. 

  • depression happens near the full moon. 

  • grief over a broken heart.


  • let your intuition guide you, create some distance. 

  • overlook your sources of unhappiness. 

  • an argument may be necessary to clear a misunderstanding. 

  • follow your intuition, allow your emotions to spill out. 

  • do not worry, go within and seek peace.

  • be spontaneous, follow your impulses.

  • separate what is real from what is an illusion. 

ten of cups(reversed) and the moon (reversed)


the ten of cups (reversed) and the moon (reversed) both represent a time when dysfunction and unhappiness is exposed. perhaps you’ve been happy and you realize that this issue has been brewing under the surface for some time. maybe you haven’t been happy, but couldn’t figure out the cause. any deceptions committed, to yourself or another, will come to the light. when it does, it will unearth the root cause of the dysfunction. once this happens, you will have no choice but to look at the issues before you clearly and to make changes in your life.

ten of cups (r)

  • unhappy home

  • abuse 

  • family breakdown 

  • marital separation 

  • broken trust

  • unmet desires 

  • depression 

  • unfulfilled desires

  • space/ distance

the moon (r)

  • overcoming/ridding/exposing fears, depression, negativity

  • the crystal clear truth

  • coping with unhappiness

  • overcoming illusions

  • confidence 

  • clarity


  • disappointed but overcoming sadness

  • unfulfilled but clear about what you want

  • distrustful and seeing through the illusions

  • clear that you need space and distance from someone or something


  • the family breakdown is exposed. 

  • separating after the truth is exposed. 

  • broken trust after someone admits to lying. 

  • telling the truth about unmet desires

  • exposing one’s depression. 

  • overcoming illusions, this is an abusive person/ relationship.


  • admit to yourself that you are unhappy. 

  • overcome the illusion, tell the truth. 

  • if you are depressed, acknowledge the sources of your unhappiness.

  • overcome negativity by create distance between yourself and another.