sept 2021 astro report

Sept 6 -   🌑 New Moon in Virgo 👰🏾‍♀️♍️ 

Give yourself time away from others. You’ll have some insights into how you navigate the world, including home, career, love and friends. What messages have you been telling yourself in each of these areas? Do they align with what you want to be true about your life? 

The week leading up to this transit and the days after are especially significant because a goal you have been planning for some time will come into fruition. You’ll need to come up with a new plan to incorporate the desire into your life. 

Sept 10-   🥰 Venus enters Scorpio 

After a period of mediation, indecisiveness and/or compromise, you’re entering a phase where you’re solely focused on what you want. And you’re investigating creative pursuits, romantic partners and friends to determine if they truly fit your standards. Anything that isn’t contributing to your growth will have to go. Some relationships/creative pursuits will experience rebirths. Keep in mind that everything you do will be very very deliberate and slow moving. 

Sept 14 - ☄️Mars enters Libra ♎️⚖️

You’ll only feel comfortable making decisions or starting something new after you’ve examined the pros and cons of your actions. So it will be harder to make a decision about anything. Here’s the criteria for knowing if that decision is the right decision:

  1. Does the decision emotionally AND logically make sense/feel right?

  2. Has the flow leading to the decision been easy or difficult? For instance, if you get a job offer but the interview experience has been difficult then this is a sign accepting the offer isn’t right for you.

Others may push you to make a decision. Or they may cause arguments or chaos to force you to act. Take your time. Be careful not to push others too. 

Sept 20 - Vesta enters Scorpio ♏️🦂 & 🌕Full Moon in Pisces ♓️🐟

Consequences of long standing issues will reveal themselves during this transit (Sept 15 - Sept 25). Shutdowns, death and/or shortages are likely, in addition to confusion around how it happened.  

Internally, you’ll be forced to make sacrifice concerning your home/family/relationships. You’ll also face some breakthrough concerning creativity. The goal is to create space for your new desires. This transit may cause some delusion or deception so give yourself time to make sense of it. 

Sept 22 - 🌞Sun enters Libra ♎️⚖️

The next month will be a passive time where you will have to reconcile differences and make peace with them. Sure, there may be challenges but the energies around you will remind you everything happens for a reason. You will get what you deserve, whether for better or for worse. Be careful about what you say to yourself or others - what you say you will get. You’ll become more aware of your personal power regarding manifesting what you want.

Sept 23 - 😯Neptune quintile True Node ⬆️💫

Dreams and random inspiration that leads you down a different path is likely. If you continue on the same creative on professional path due to some insight this is a sign you’re on the right path, according to your life’s purpose.

Sept 27 - 🙊Mercury Retrograde in Libra ♎️⚖️  & 😯Neptune quintile True Node ⬆️💫

It will be harder during this time to get on the same page and reach a conclusion with others. People around you will be polarized about their opinions and beliefs. That will be strange for you as you progress on your professional or creative calling. Resist peer pressure. Embrace the aspects that make you unique. Even if it seems to be “out of style”.


high priestess


Aries Sun & Venus in Love & Friendships