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saturn conjunct pluto

in laymen’s terms, these two planets are in the same sign - capricorn.

welcome astro babies, meet your planetary dad: saturn. he’s the  responsible, hard working and productive planet in the zodiac. when you see him in your charts, he’s the fatherly voice in your head that tells you honor your commitments and go tf to work when you don’t feel like it. 

he abides by the rules. when he makes a plan he sticks to it - stubbornly so. it can be just as painstaking as it is admirable to witness. he’s also the parental figure that will issue a punishment and abide by it. those 2 weeks of no tv and cell phone will be exactly 14 days. traditional and slow to change, saturn encourages us to seek security and stability. saturn reminds us that steady and consistent wins the race. he will ask of us that we examine our work ethic (in all areas) and analyze if we are reaching our goals. saturn also rules restrictions, limitations and attachments. what does your fatherly figure tell you about your deepest desires? does he shame you or encourage you to integrate those desires into your life?

pluto represents the astrological bone collector in the zodiac family. trauma, secrets, creativity and personal power are all governed by her.

pluto points out that our biggest sources of trauma may also house our greatest talents.

think about the kid who suffers from terrifying nightmares just to become a prolific writer. or the person who became a genre disrupting musician due to their childhood anxiety. pluto reminds us that we cannot suppress our shadow side. it will eventually find a way to express itself, and we have the power to channel that energy into a constructive or self destructive outlet. 

both of these planets will occupy saturn starting jan 11, 2020. pluto will bring deep rooted traumas, secrets and fears to the surface. saturn gives you no choice but to work through them and find a constructive outlet to express the emotions pluto conjures within you.

a hidden talent will come to the surface, and you will find yourself developing this skill.

you’ll have an ambivalent relationship with fear and insecurity at this time. on one hand, you’ll feel a deep insecurity towards some area in your life - emphasis on parenting and career. on the other hand these insecurities will drive you to create boundaries and life changes. these changes will happen gradually. over the course of this month you’ll realize that you’ve been tolerating dysfunction in a familial, romantic or platonic relationship for the idea of permanence. 

at the root, you’ll realize that this relationship (in its current state) may have to die in order for you to evolve as a self-actualizing being. on a psychological level, you’re breaking away from a previous idea of security and realizing that there are multiple ways to achieve stability. your newfound skills/talents may result in a new income stream. a deep desire that you’ve kept hidden will come to the surface. you won’t be able to ignore it. and you’ll have to find a constructive way to integrate this into your life or you’ll engage in more self destructive tendencies. or… you’ll just find yourself more anxious and stuck than usual. 

this article (https://darkstarastrology.com/saturn-conjunction-pluto/) referred to the conjunction as a ‘collective ptsd’. and i agree. events and interactions will feel like salt on an old but not-quite-healed wound. but if the wound still hasn’t healed that may be an indicator that your coping methods aren’t as effective as you’d like to think.