October’s Horoscope Means Powerful Transformation for You, Here’s How to Align with the Energy

October 2021 Astro Report

Oct 1 - Neptune (pisces) quintile True/North Node (gemini)

Due to the Mercury Retrograde, you may be feeling more withdrawn. This period will give you time to make sense of the sudden insights, inspiration, dreams. Older and newer forms of social media will play a part in these sudden revelations.  Pay close attention because those insights are clues to the next step on your personal journey. You can use the sign in your North Node (in your birth chart) to understand your unique journey. 

Oct 6 - New Moon in Libra & Pluto direct Capricorn

This transit asks “How do you create more emotional balance in your life? What did your parents or guardians teach you about emotional intelligence? What beliefs do you carry based on what your parents taught you?”. Pluto has been retrograde in Capricorn since early 2021, requiring us to work out our trauma in therapy or via addiction. Moving forward, you will have to rethink traditional, long held belief systems. And you will have to restructure and replace those beliefs with more productive ones. If not, you’ll become more judgmental, dogmatic and repressed.  

The energy from this transit lasts until Oct 20, 2021. 

Oct 7 - Venus enters Sag

Your love life and creative life will be all over the place - literally. You may travel to spend time with that special someone or explore a new place. The goal is to understand and develop a new aspect of yourself. 

An example would be visiting a new coffee shop and trying a new drink. This drink leads you to explore a new cuisine. You create a business around this new cuisine. As a result, one drink led you to explore entrepreneurship. 

Be open to trying and exploring anything that looks remotely interesting. 

This energy lasts until Nov 5, 2021

Oct 10 - Saturn direct in Aquarius

Since May 2021 you may have been working on an idea  that’s different. You’ve been pursuing it as a hobby or side hustle. Prior to 2020, you wouldn’t have had the time or thought to pursue this idea. When Saturn goes direct in Aquarius you will be rewarded for your effort. Perhaps this means getting paying customers, publicity or a stable opportunity.If you haven’t make sure you have a platform for people to connect with you. Take your part time hobbies as seriously as your job. 

This energy will last until March 7, 2023

Oct 18 - Jupiter direct in Aquarius + Mercury direct in Libra

Luck is coming into technology, politics and collaborative efforts. NFT’S, unions and legal reform are sure to exceed.    Mis-communications and injustices of any type are reconcile during this time. That “little hobby or business” you’ve been working on will experience some luck. Jupiter provides energetic “short cuts” for the sign it’s in. It would be a good time to get into NFT’s or create one, launch a unique music project or fashion line or start a new class. 

The mercury retrograde highlighted areas to improve. Use the next couple of weeks to find unique outlets for this perceived weakness. 

Mercury energy lasts until Nov 5, 2021.

Oct 20 - Full Moon in Aries 

One of two things could happen during the Full Moon : 1) You decide to drop your emotional and mental baggage to begin on a new path or 2) You adopt a disciplined mindset to control your outcomes. Both will require you to  release competitive, selfish or aggressive habits in favor of justice, cooperation and balance. 

This energy will last until Nov 4, 2021. 

Oct 23 - Sun enters Scorpio 

The Sun in Scorpio will magnify all things related to change, secrets, obsessions and compulsions. This energy encourages you to get rid of thoughts, habits and emotions that are not serving you in favor of positive transformation.  Fully involve yourself in a particular subject to achieve your goals. This sign lends itself to self preservation, which may  come off to others as secretive. Keep your transformation quiet. The insights will change you in surprising ways.

This energy lasts until Nov 21, 2021.

Oct 30 - Mars enters Scorpio

You’ll  find yourself obsessing over a given goal or topic. This transit has an all or nothing energy to it, leading you to drop one interest over another. It will influence you to complete tasks in a competent and deliberate manner. Through this you’ll understand more about yourself - your motivations,  insecurities, secrets. 

The key to making the most of this transit is to prioritize your natural inclinations over what you “should be doing”. Scorpio is perceptive and seeks interests that align to the individual. 

This energy lasts until Dec 13, 2021.


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