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NOV 2020 Astro Report

Happy Birthday Scorpio & Sagittarius 🥳🎂

Nov 3 -  ☄️Mercury goes Direct in Libra ♎️ 

AKA The Election Day Sh💩t Show. Communication will be more polarized amongst family, friends, & your community during this time (for obvious reasons). 😡😠 You can make the best use of this energy by understanding a perspective different from your own. By reconciling the differences, you will be able to find inner peace when faced with seemingly difficult circumstances and people. 

Nov 10 - ☄️Mercury Enters Scorpio ♏️ 

Put your inspector gadget hat on. 🔍Dig deep and take a long, hard review of all the confusion/anxiety that’s cropped up over the past month. What have you learned ? What questions have been left unanswered ? 🤔Use this time to have the tough conversations  with others and yourself. Also note that it may be harder to have superficial, light convos with people during this time. So use this energy to your advantage to learn more about people’s intentions, motivations and innermost feelings.👩🏾‍⚖️

Nov 15- 🌕New Moon in Scorpio ♏️ 

MAKE THAT NEW START. 🎊🎉 For those of you who have felt stagnant and stuck.... these new moon vibes are for you! I hope you were taking notes 📝 about what has and hasn’t been working in your life. Now is the time to make a clean start. You should feel unburdened during this time. If not ... you still have some clearing out to do. Whether that be negative people, places or feelings. 🧹 

Nov 21 - ☀️Sun enters Sagittarius ♐️ 

You will have one of two feelings during this Sag season ... 1. Fun, carefree and playful or 2. On an emotional and mental roller coaster. 🎢🎡 This energy will be teaching you about moderation and balance. If you start to feel off kilter assess what you can do to incorporate patience and balance into your life. More than likely, you’ll feel a bit more physical so get to exercising 🏃🏾‍♀️🏃🏾, painting, traveling and exploring. This energy favors the bold!

Nov 30 - 🌕 Full Moon in Gemini ♏️ 

(Disclaimer: I absolutely love Gemini’s) The Gemini energy + full moon is giving crackhead vibes 🥴. Here’s why: Gemini energy highlights the duality present in everything. The full moon will only intensify it. You and/or other people will seem like Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Your mental health issues may crop back up. (So check in on your family/friends who have mental health illnesses) Use this energy to confront and embrace the parts of you that are “bad”. Society or your parents have told you you should feel ashamed about (fill in blank trait/behavior here). Find the beauty in those traits and release the shame, guilt, and anger associated with those parts. This also applies to friends, family, lovers, exes, coworkers, etc.