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MAY 2021 Astro Report

Happy Birthday Taurus & Gemini 🥳 🎂

May 3 - 💥 Mercury enters Gemini ♊️ ✉️

*JG Wentworth has entered the chat* With Mercury in its native sign, you should have an easier time communicating with others and thinking clearly. Expect messages and news to arrive quickly. Now is the time to brainstorm and put a plan into motion to get it done. You may notice tasks are coming at you from all sides but it will also be easier to multi-task. Use this placement productively . With the Sun being in Taurus, you’ll have the next few weeks to create money making ventures, complete that home renovation, or launch a creative project. Communicate what you want and be open to multiple perspectives and ways to manifest your desires. 

May 8 - 😍 Venus enters Gemini ♊️ ✉️

Explore and Mingle! For my singles , variety is the name of the game. This placement will support and encourage you to interact with multiple people to figure out who is the best fit for you. Intellectual stimulation will be most important in establishing relationships. You’ll also be more flirty and open to trying new things. Additionally, you’ll have a better understanding of who will make a stable partner. Resist the urge to settle down with one person. 

For those who are married or in relationships, introduce new experiences into the relationships. What have you always wanted to do but haven’t with your partner? Do it. It will add “new spice” to relationship and deepen your partnership. Be wary of the “grass is greener” syndrome. Any new dalliances will start and end abruptly. 

Creatives, if you have been holding out releasing a project or suffering from creative blocks - this placement will aid in unblocking you. Take yourself on creative dates. Network and meet new people , they will give you a new perspective to further your creativity. 

May 11 -  🌑New Moon in Taurus  ♉️🐂

Marie Kondo your life! Use this new moon to think and write down all the things you’d like to manifest by mid November. This manifestation period will work best if they are physical, take time to develop and are built to last. Relationships, houses, babies, money are all Taurean in nature and are the most likely to manifest over the next 6 months. Here’s some additional points to consider when doing your manifestation work:

🤨 What are some simple life pleasures you want to indulge in? Food you want to eat, drinks to drink, sights to see, things you’ll wear. 

🤨 What are things you can do to stop and enjoy the moment? What do you want to do more?

🤨 Which of my relationships and possessions are bringing me joy? What do I need to change about myself in order to fully enjoy these possessions?

🤨 What do I need to include into my daily routine as a measure of self care?

May 13 - Jupiter enters Pisces ♓️ 🐟

Tap into your feminine aspects! This placement will last until July 28, which means areas of your personal relationships, spiritual development and artistic/creative side will benefit during this time. Pisces energy can be a little difficult to understand because it forces us to acknowledge the validity and realness of our feelings and perceptions. Your dreams may be more intense, and you’ll be more prone to point out how something was said or done. Take this time to notice HOW you feel while you are completing day to day tasks. Have you extended compassion to yourself and others? Are you operating in harmony with your environment? Are you guided by intuition or obligation? What colors are you drawn to? What types of people are you drawn to? Create space to express yourself through meditation, singing, dancing, journaling, painting. Make notes about how you feel when you are in the “flow” and re-create those conditions in your daily environment. 

May 20 - ☀️Sun enters Gemini ♊️ ✉️

Know thyself. This placement will bring out the dichotomies within you and others. While Gemini’s may get a bad rep for being “two faced”, there is an important lesson to learn about ourselves through this energy. Everyone is multifaceted. You are cruel and kind, “bad” and “good”, dark and light. These traits are only polarities that we swing back and forth to depending on the condition. Extend yourself and others grace during this time by reconciling these two polarities and being less inclined to make snap judgements about someone’s “goodness” in relation to yours. Only by getting out there, making new experiences and meeting new people will you understand this - so explore! 

May  26 - 🌕Full Moon in Sagittarius ♐️🏹 + Lunar Eclipse 🌙 

The Butterfly Effect. During this transit you’ll come to significant insight about your systems of beliefs that will force you to rethink your future. The catalyst may be a big external event or a seemingly smaller interaction. Either way, you’ll have purge outdated beliefs you formed from education, religion or your community. This will create space for a new and compelling future where you have a better understanding of who you are as an individual. Alternatively, if you have been living a more individualist lifestyle, this change will mark a shift towards finding your place within a community. Perhaps the qualities you shunned, in pursuit of defining yourself, will become more important. Either way, this transit may mark a complete 180 in how you view yourself and the world around you.  

May 29 -  💥👈🏾 Mercury Retrograde in Gemini ♊️ ✉️

Hold up! Since mercury is retrograding in its ruling sign, this experience will be an intellectual reflection period. Look at what you want from the new moon journaling prompt. What perspectives and implications have you overlooked? You may have written that you want a new house and this placement will bring up an issue of property taxes in the area you wanted to move. You may have written down you wanted to make a career change, and you may be faced with a not so pretty side of that career. Use this time to revisit IF you are ready to deal with the not so pretty parts of your desires.  Also use this placement to develop and acquire the skills needed to maintain your manifestation.