Making Sense of the Hardest Sign to Pin Down in a Relationship, The Sagittarius

November 22 - December 21

*This applies to the Sun and Venus signs. You can use this to understand your Sag friends too.

Sagittarius’ motivations in romance is to explore and learn through their date...or they will ghost you out of boredom.

Why a Sag sun turns you on...

They light the fire under your ass. You feel empowered to try something new around them. You feel comfortable to let your inhibitions go. And you're challenged to experience life differently by being around them.

Why a Sag venus turns you on...

They're genuinely interested in what makes you different. You're given space during the initial dating process and they don't try to confine you.

Why a Sag sun turns you off...

They seem a little too free spirited... almost unhinged. You wonder if they have an off button. They're blunt and don't have a filter. They seem to have a constant rotation of friends and other romantic interests to attend to.

Why a Sag venus turns you off...

These placements can be individualistic to the point of selfishness. You may get the vibe that they will be a lifelong bachelor or player.

Why you feel neutral towards Sag...

You've kissed some frogs and not interested in the single game. You like stability, someone who is sensitive and someone with overall sense. Flying by the seat of your pants is a headache you'd rather avoid. You're cool with where and who you are and constant exploration doesn't appeal to you.

Part of it is their sign, but this Sagittarius is just an asshole...

- Being rude to waiters and waitresses

- Degrading language & character assassinations

- Getting drunk on the first date

- Ghosting

- Angry outbursts

- Unnecessary insults


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