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JUNE 2021 Astro Report

Happy Birthday Gemini & Cancer🥳

June 2 - 🥰 Venus enters Cancer 🦀♋️

If you’ve been wanting a relationship, you’ll be feeling it more during this transit. We’re still in the midst of a Mercury Retrograde, so exes are assured to come back. Just be sure to take things slowly, as issues from early childhood and family issues could come up during this time. Prioritize relationships and focus on ways you can make them more harmonious. Mental health issues may be a focus, so practice self care and tend to your emotional needs. 

June 10 -  🌑New Moon Solar Eclipse ☀️in Gemini ♊️

Use this aspect as a time to reflect and turn over a new leaf. On one hand, this placement brings emotional balance. You may question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for new ways to make progress.  Expect an increase in personal interaction in your neighborhood, with siblings, schools, and over the internet  with lots of appointments, correspondence, meetings, social activity, new information to process, and decisions to make. On the other hand, your thought processes will be muddied and it will be harder to find the motivation to complete tasks and think about the future. Misunderstandings, deception and delays pop up during this time so be slow to make any long term decisions. 

June 11 - 💥 Mars enters Leo 🦁♌️

Your motivations will be directed outward and will be centered on your personal gain. What is your idea of success? This planetary aspect will ask you to fully explore this idea and act on it. Be mindful to not let your ego get in the way or to be impatient in your desires. Use the Venus in cancer in order to gain allies and build a community of support. 

June 20 -  ☀️Sun enters Cancer 🦀♋️

Mid month Saturn squared with Uranus, marking a time period where the traditional clashed with the unpredictable. Perhaps this completely shook your stability or even what you thought you wanted. As the sun enters cancer, you’ll notice a change in pace and the energy will seem more mellow moving forward. 

June 24 - 🌕Full Moon Capricorn 🐐♑️

Release any traditional beliefs/ideas that are no longer serving you - especially concerning your family and immediate community around you. You may find these beliefs came from a traumatic moment in your ancestor’s life. And instead of protecting you , it may be doing more harm. Be aware of accidents, relapses or arguments during this time. Any delays that occurred over the past month will be released during this time. 

June 27 - 🥰Venus enters Leo 🦁♌️

This transit encourages you to express your love and creativity proudly and loudly. It also signals a time for grand romantic gestures. So if you love someone show it. Likewise, any displeasures in relationships at this time are going to be expressed loudly. So be careful not to let pride/ego get in the way of letting that special someone know you care about them.