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coming to a decision or conclusion


heeding the call, reaching a final decision, judging someone or something, it’s over because the fat lady has sung, making a call, a settlement


this card is neutral, so whatever decision has been made needs a clarifying card to better understand what has happened. whatever decision that is being made , the querent (person asking) will feel clarity and a sense of relief. So it’s unlikely that this person will change their mind.


for feelings, this person feels they have been called towards you. Whether this be bad or good, they understand that you serve a greater purpose in their life. And this has caused them to make decisions that will change the trajectory of their life. Sometimes I get this card when someone feels they have met a soulmate.


professions: judge, attorney, mediator, funeral director, teacher, musician, religious/cult leader

Getting the judgement card in your career indicates you or your work is under review. Whatever decision is made will go through multiple rounds and have many personalities who serve as judges. Whoever gets this position, role, or favorable mark will be seen as someone who contributed to “the greater good”. So now is the time to highlight how your work has positively impacted others , including your coworkers.

in business, this card indicates the same. But it can have a different spin on it if you’ve gone to court with another business or client. Once again a number of people will be determining how your work/business has impacted others. There will also be a highlight on the ethics of your business processes. There may be a settlement or payout as a result.


This can indicate family therapy, schooling, or an emphasis on leadership within a family dynamic. I usually receive this card for querents who have children. Some sort of big decision is underway that will impact the child’s mental, emotional, intellectual stability. This can include a divorce, separation, a change in schools, going to therapy, testing, or paying alimony/child support.


in the reversed position, the card relates to making decisions that you or someone else regrets BIG TIME. You or another person wishes they could go back and change things. Hindsight is 20/20 and the querent realizes that this decision changed the trajectory of their life in a negative way. It’s led to some dysfunction in their life and they had a gut feeling at the time that they should’ve chosen differently.