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hermit and seven of pentacles meaning

the hermit and seven of pentacles


we seek inner guidance while we wait or when we are anxious. we may be unsure of whether or efforts will reap the rewards we seek. this pair serves to remind us that seeking inner guidance can fill the void while we wait.  other times, when the outcome doesn’t match the efforts we take time to reflect.

the hermit

  • solitude

  • inner reflection

  • soul searching

  • inner guidance

  • inner voice

  • seeker of knowledge

  • mentor

seven of pentacles

  • waiting for the harvest

  • investment

  • perseverance

  • you reap what you sow

  • tangible rewards

  • patience

  • taking a break


  • taking time to be by oneself and feeling patient

  • withdrawn and reflecting

  • contemplating options, being single or alone

  • needing time alone to weigh options


  • taking a break and reflecting.

  • investing in a mentor.

  • soul searching while waiting.

  • persevering by listening to your inner voice.

  • reflecting and being patient.


  • listen to your inner guide and be patient.

  • you’ll have to do this alone, persevere.

  • invest in getting more knowledge about the subject.

  • do some inner reflection to analyze the results of your efforts.

the hermit(reversed) and seven of pentacles


the hermit (reversed) refers to external influences causing you to withdraw. paired with the seven of pentacles, the two remind you that all is not lost. you may be depressed because you’re perceiving a situation as a failure. if you wait a bit longer, you’ll discover that all will work out in your favor. the “failure“ was just an incubation period for your rewards. the seven of pentacles is also a card for pregnancy. so the pair can refer to depression during pregnancy or being an outcast due to an unexpected pregnancy.

the hermit(reversed)

  • sleeping

  • outcast

  • exile

  • sadness

  • depression

  • withdrawing from isolation

  • anti-social

seven of pentacles

  • waiting for the harvest

  • investment

  • perseverance

  • you reap what you sow

  • tangible rewards

  • patience

  • taking a break


  • missing your ex and taking a break from dating

  • sad and persevering


  • depression during pregnancy

  • they exiled the pregnant woman.

  • waiting on the outcast

  • taking a break from depression.

  • sleeping due to depression

  • depressed about something that will turn out well

  • being an outcast works out in your favor


  • come out of your shell and be patient.

  • get out of your head, seek guidance and objectively analyze the effort vs rewards.

  • take a break from the social events.

the hermit and seven of pentacles(reversed)


after a failure or not reaping the rewards you expect, you need to take some time alone to reflect. this pair indicates that you need to seek inner guidance when faced with distractions or need to re-evaluate something important in your life. other times, you may be working harder than smarter and need to consult with a mentor.

the hermit

  • solitude

  • inner reflection

  • soul searching

  • inner guidance

  • inner voice

  • seeker of knowledge

  • mentor

seven of pentacles (reversed)

  • failure

  • giving up

  • hard work no rewards

  • re-evaluations

  • distractions


  • contemplating a do-over

  • feeling like something is missing and needs to be reevaluated


  • seeking solitude after being distracted

  • consulting a mentor to work smarter, not harder.

  • after a failure, i take some time to meditate.


  • you need to re-evaluate a situation after a failure.

  • rid yourself of distractions, you need some alone time.

  • soul search and give up  what you are working on. your efforts will yield no fruit.

the hermit(reversed) and seven of pentacles(reversed)


sometimes our best efforts do not pan out and we become outcasts as a result. it doesn’t seem fair, but one has to question if membership to a group was worth the effort at all. the seven of pentacles (reversed) reminds us that we put forth our best effort and failed to achieve the results we wanted. if we become exiled or outcasts, it may be worth evaluating if this pursuit was in our highest good.

the hermit (reversed)

  • sleeping

  • outcast

  • exile

  • sadness

  • depression

  • withdrawing from isolation

  • anti-social

seven of pentacles (reversed)

  • failure

  • giving up

  • hard work no rewards

  • re-evaluations

  • distractions


  • depression and feeling like a failure

  • tired of trying


  • being an outcast and giving up .

  • distracting myself by things that make me an outcast.

  • exiled due to failure .

  • kicked out because i failed.

  • sleeping after giving up


  • sleep, your efforts are in vain .

  • come out of your shell and distract yourself.

  • consult a mentor about your depression. re-evaluate the situations that led you to your state.