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aug 2021 astro report

Happy Birthday Leo ♌️ & Virgo ♍️ 🥳🎂

August 2 - ✨Juno goes direct in Sagittarius ♐️🏹

Love may take a slight turn, matching you with people who are at a distance or come from different religions, cultures or ethnicities. Alternatively, you may be traveling and exploring more with a loved one. 

August 8 -   🌑 New Moon in Leo ♌️🦁

Leo has a flair for the drama, and this new moon will be no different. Some news may come to the surface, be mindful of what you say or believe, the messenger may not have all the facts.  This timing is great for changing your physical appearance, or starting an ambitious career goal. This 8/8 (lions gate) portal will give you the courage and resilience to make a change and see it through.  Mind your finances at this time - you may be prone to spend more than usual.

August 11 -  🗣 Mercury enters Virgo 👰🏾‍♀️♍️ 

Depending on what was said and done during Leo season, you may have to issue out an apology or you may receive some apologies. Be prepared to communicate the facts only. Journaling and writing will also be good outlets for expression. 

August 16 - 🥰 Venus enters Libra ♎️⚖️

This transit will encourage you to surround yourself with beautiful people, places and things. If you harness this energy, you will find your relationships more pleasant, affectionate and giving. The next 14 day period will be great for having honest and productive conversations with your partner or person you’re dating. Now isn’t the time for arguments… agreeing to disagree will give you better outcomes.

August 19 - 😯 Uranus retrogrades in Taurus ♉️🐂

If an area of your life has been stagnant for some time, this transit will give you the boost you need to alter your internal attitudes and mindsets. Specifically, those regarding home, stability and long term investments, like school and work. 

August 22 - 🌕 Full Moon in Aquarius ♒️💻  & Sun enters Virgo 👰🏾‍♀️♍️ 

As a suggestion, you’ll want to spend this full moon by yourself. This full moon will encourage you to throw out outdated systems that are not working for you. As sun enters Virgo, you’ll once again be fully focused on work and finances. The goal is to find newer and more efficient ways (apps &systems) to help you get more done. 

August 30 -  🗣Mercury enters Libra ♎️⚖️

By the end of the month, you’ll be less inclined to revisit any past arguments. Instead, you’ll want to smooth any slights or disagreements over in favor of cooperation. This may lead you to “riding the fence” or coming off as two faced. You can harness the sun in virgo energy to state your boundaries while being in harmony with others.