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Are you confused in love? Revealing tarot cards that predict a breakup

Are you casually dating someone, in a relationship or entertaining a situationship and questioning where things are going? Here’s a free love tarot reading exercise… grab a deck and pull a card. If any of these cards come out, you’ve been warned. Start emotionally preparing. As a disclaimer, some of these are temporary breakups while others are more permanent.

This breakup is going to end in disappointment…

Eight of Cups - More than likely you’ll meet someone and they’ll seem promising. As you get more familiar with them, you’ll find a number of character flaws that leave you disillusioned. The circumstances around the relationship may cause you to feel “right person, wrong time“ or “wrong person, right time“. It is very unlikely that this relationship will turn around or develop into something more committed.

Seven of Pentacles Reversed - This card comes up after a period of waiting for a commitment that never develops. In the meantime, you or the other person has invested a significant amount of time, money and energy. You or the other person will end up feeling they wasted their time or energy in this relationship. The seven of pentacles reversed could also signal a failed pregnancy or business deal. Depending on the type of outcome you two were working towards (a baby or a business), the stress of failure could also lead to a break down of the relationship.

This breakup is going to financially or materially impact you…

The Tower - In readings, The Tower signals a sudden change in living accommodations. This could mean someone or you kicks someone out as a result of the breakup. This could represent sudden news that undermines the foundation your relationship was built upon. This is a Major Arcana card, meaning you will feel the consequences of this sudden change for the next year or longer.

Five of Pentacles - This does not always indicate a form of financial destitution, but many times someone leaves behind a sense of stability and security. You’ll probably experience isolation and alienation as a result of the breakup. Although you’ll feel no one can help, there are people and resources available to you. You just have to ask.

Six of Swords - When this card shows up it’s likely you’ll physically leave wherever you are. In addition, the space will give you time to mentally distance yourself from this person.

This breakup will impact family and friends…

Three of Cups Reversed - Not only will you lose this person, the breakup may end up dividing friends and family. Abuse, addiction or neglect may be at the root of the breakup and not everyone will understand.

The Hierophant Reversed - Since this is a contractual card, this breakup may include the division of assets and family members. Both parties will have to split up the community and resources you both amassed during the relationship. As a result, someone may think they’re getting the short end of the stick and become defensive. Your best bet is to obtain mediation during this process.

This is going to be a nasty breakup….

Death - Everything that you once valued will completely change as a result of this breakup. You will also change as a person. The Death card appears when the source of the breakup triggers a complete evaluation of your life as you know it. For instance, the Death card would appear after a financial betrayal caused bankruptcy for the entire family.

Five of Swords - One or both parties decided they needed to win at all costs, therefore, someone has to be a loser and the “bad“ person. Since neither can negotiate fairly, this card indicates one will have to overpower the other to feel “closure”. Run, bestie.

The Devil Reversed - Usually this card indicates having a child or children with someone only to endure a bitter breakup. The relationship was long and chaotic. Sometimes you wondered why ya’ll were even trying to make it work. Eventually it will fall apart and the process may be long and hard.

You or your partner is cheating…

Seven of Swords - Someone is sneaking behind the other’s back and they’re going to get caught. The cheating could be sexual, romantic, or financial. This card also comes up when someone is going to ghost you.

The Lovers Reversed - Someone will have to choose between committing to their partner and another option, but ends up feeling like they made the wrong choice. Who ever is involved will be subject to a world of chaos as the indecisive or selfish one makes their decision.

Queen of Wands - There is a 3rd party in this relationship. And eventually the other will discover who or what this 3rd party is.