APR 2021 Astro Report

Happy Birthday Aries & Taurus 🥳🎂

April 3 - 💥 Mercury enters Aries ♈️ 🐏

After a period of indecisiveness, you’ll feel more decisive and ready to push forward with your goals. Be careful not to get wrapped up in conflict - this could slow you down. And you want to use this energy to influence people and win over support. The moon is also entering Capricorn, so you may feel more impatient and stubborn when it comes to asserting what you want. 

April 11 - 🌑New Moon enters Aries ♈️ 

After the murkiness and emotional confusion that was Pisces season, the Aries New Moon will be a welcome new phase. You’ll be ready to make new changes (fast) and be more prone to act first and think later. This planetary transit marks the new Zodiac cycle, so embrace this new beginning and be open to take risks. 

April 14 - 🥰Venus enters Taurus ♉️ 🐂

You may want to do some interior and exterior home decorations during this time. Alternatively, now is the time to implement that new workout regiment and diet. Use this time to invest your money. Singles - you may be meeting a special someone and this relationship is stable. 

April 19 - ☀️ Mercury and Sun enters Taurus ♉️ 🐏

During this period, you’ll be more concerned with maintaining stability, security and abundance in all areas of your life. Upgrade your wardrobe and throw out your outdated makeup. The way you communicate with others and vice versa will be more transactional and focused on what is mutually beneficial. This isn’t the time to let emotions or impulses to govern your actions. Focus on actions, people and opportunities that will benefit you. 

April 27 - 🌕Full Moon in Scorpio ♏️ 🦂

If you have been trying to kick a bad habit with no luck , this full moon will be the perfect time to do so. Secrets or  sudden/ long awaited departures will happen from the April 24 - 30. The most important thing to keep in mind is that this energy will remove people, places, energy, things that are no longer serving you. It may not be easy, but I encourage you to embrace this change.


MAY 2021 Astro Report


MAR 2021 Astro Report